E6000 handheld three phase power quality and energy analyzer

three phase power quality analyzer

E6000 handheld three phase power quality analyzer with CT offer the best ability in power quality analysis, E6000 handheld power quality analyzer help locate, predict, prevent and troubleshoot power quality problems in three phase and single phase power distribution systems. Additionally, GFUVE patented energy loss algorithm, unified power measurement, measuring and counting energy losses due to harmonics and unbalance issues, allowing the user to pinpoint the origin of energy losses in the system.



  • 3s statistical interval, continuously record 120h;
  • Support multi-brand current transformer;
  • Up to 8G data storage space;
  • Record up to 461 power energy parameters simultaneously;
  • Up to 6500 screenshots saved;
  • Support periodic recording function;
  • Up to 3.9M/s USB high-speed transfer;
  • Customized international report generation.


  • Energy loss calculator: classic active and reactive power measurements, unbalance and harmonic power, are quantified to pinpoint true system energy losses in dollars (other local currencies available).
  • Power inverter efficiency: simultaneously measure AC output power for power electronics systems.
  • Power wave data capture: E6000 analyzers capture fast RMS data, show half-cycle and waveforms to characterize electrical system dynamics (generator start-ups, UPS switching etc.).
  • Waveform capture: E6000 capture 50/60 cycles (50/60Hz) of each event that is detected in all modes, without set-up.
  • Automatic transient E6000 analyzers capture 200kHz waveform data on all phases simultaneously up to 1000V.
  • Fully class-A compliant: E6000 analyzers conduct tests according to the stringent international IEC 61000-4-30 class-A standard.
  • Mains signaling: E6000 analyzer measure interference from ripple control signals at specific frequencies.
  • Troubleshoot: analyze the trends using the cursors and zoom tools.
  • Highest safety rating in the industry: 600V CAT IV/1000V CAT III rated for use at the service entrance.
  • Measure all three phases and neutral: with included four flexible current probes with enhanced thin flex designed to fit into the tightest places.
  • Automatic trending: every measurement is always automatically recorded, without any set-up.
  • System-monitor: ten power quality parameters on one screen according to EN50160 power quality standard.
  • Logger function: configure for any test condition with memory for up to 600 parameters at user defined intervals.
  • View graphs and generate reports: with included analysis software.
  • Battery life: up to 5 hours operating time per charge on Li-ion battery pack.


Electrical parameters
Voltage Rms, ava, pk+, pk-, rms-1/2, CF
Frequency Freq
Current Rms, ava, pk+, pk-, rms-1/2, CF
Power & energy P, S, Q, PF, DPF, W
Computation THD, DC, 1-50 Harm, 1-50 InHarm, 1-35 HiHarm, 1-50 SubHarm
Voltage harmonic THD, DC, 1-50 Harm, 0-49 InHarm, 1-35 HiHarm, 1-50 SubHarm, KF
Current harmonic THD, DC, 1-50 Harm
Harmonic power Ia, Ib, Ic, ΣPtotal, ΣQtotal, ΣStotal, 15 minutes
Fluctuation and flickering PST, PLT, Fluct, Fluct Max
Unbal V Pos, A pos, V neg, A neg, V zero, A zero, Unbal
Event log Voltage swell, voltage sags, DIP, surge current, voltage and current distortion out of limit, odd harmonics containing rate out of limited, unbalanced voltage current out of limit, frequency out of limit, PST out of limit, PLT out of limit, long-term voltage interruption, voltage fluctuation deviation
P, Q, S name
Measurement types P: Calculate by every 10 cycles
S: Calculated by the effective value of voltage and current
Q: Calculated by the apparent power, active power
Display Table charts, trend chart
Measuring range/resolution According to the range of the voltage and current
measuring accuracy ±0.5%
Measurement mode Calculated by the square root value of 10 cycle
Display mode Effective current value of each channel
Measuring range/resolution Current: according to the current clamps
Option: 5A/50A/100A/500A
Current clamps: 1200A/3000A/6000A (flexible current clamp)
Accuracy 0.1%+accuracy of the current clamps
Measurement mode Calculate by 10 cycles (50Hz) or (60Hz)
Display mode Measurement by 10 cycles
Nominal frequency/resolution 50.000Hz/0.001Hz or 60.000Hz/0.001Hz
Bandwidth measurement 42.5-57.5Hz or 52.5-67.5Hz
Measurement accuracy ±0.001Hz
Half-wave RMS current/voltage
Measurement mode Calculate by every 2 cycles. Each cycle, 1/2 cycle made up of a waveform calculation
Measuring range/resolution Voltage: 120V/0.01V, 230V/0.01V, 400V/0.01V, 1000V/0.01V; Current: according to the current clamps
measurement accuracy ±0.1%
Measuring circuit 1P2W/2P3W/3P3W/3P4W
Basic frequency of the measuring circuit 50Hz
Input channels 4 phase voltage, 4 phase current
Measurement range Voltage measurement range: standard: 120V, 230V, 400V, 1000V, Max 1000V instantaneous voltage
Current measurement range: according to the current clamps, only support the v signal output current clamp
Power factor 
Measurement mode The ratio of average power to apparent power
Display mode Real-time data showed
Measurement range/resolution -1.000-1.000/0.001
Measurement accuracy ±1%
Vfund, Afund, Harmonic power
Measurement mode Meet IEC61000-4-7, Analysis time window is ten cycles
Window points 5120 points
Display mode Form figure, trend charts, histograms
Number of measurement 1-50 Times
Measurement accuracy Vfund >1%: Error<1%
Vfund <1%: Error<0.05% Rated Voltage
Afund >3%: Error<1%
Afund <3%: Error<0.05% Current range
InHarm Voltage, InHarm current
Measurement mode Meet IEC61000-4-7, analysis time window is ten cycles
Window points 5120 points
Display mode Form figure, trend charts, histograms
Numbers of measurement 1-16 groups
Measurement accuracy Vfund >1%: Error<1%
Vfund<1%: error<0.05% rated voltage
Afund>3%: error<1%
Afund<3%: error<0.05% current range
HiHarm voltage, HiHarm current 
Measurement mode Meet IEC61000-4-7, Analysis time window is ten cycles
Window points 5120 points every 10 cycles
Display mode Form figure, trend charts, histograms
Numbers of measurement 1-35 groups
Measurement accuracy Vfund>1%: error<1%
Vfund<1%: error<0.05% rated voltage
Afund>3%: error<1%
Afund<3%: error<0.05% current range
Voltage subHarm current subHarm
Measurement mode Meet IEC61000-4-7, analysis time window is ten cycles
Window points 5120 points every 10 cycles
Display mode Form figure, trend charts, histograms
Numbers of measurement 1-50 groups
Measurement accuracy Vfund>1%: error<1%
Vfund<1%: Error<0.05% rated voltage
Afund>3%: error<1%
Afund<3%: error<0.05% current range
Voltage/current unbal (pos, neg)
Measurement mode 3P3W or 3P4W, using three phase of fundamental wave components to calculate
Display mode Form figure, trend charts, histograms
Measurement accuracy Voltage unbal: ±0.2%
Current unbal: ±0.5%
Voltage fluctuation
Measurement mode Calculate by the quadratic mean of half wave.
Display mode Form figure, trend charts
Measurement accuracy ±1%
IEC flickering
Measurement P short term (Pst), P long term (Plt)
Measurement mode According to IEC61000-4-15 standard to calculate Pst (10 mins) Plt (2 hours)
Display mode Form figure, trend charts
Measurement range 0-20
Measurement accuracy ±5%
Surge current
Measurement mode Half-wave RMS of current is higher than set value and sustain time is 10ms-1min
Display mode Maximum of the surge current and surge current wave
Measurement accuracy 0.10%
Voltage swell, voltage sags, DIP
Measurement mode Swell: When half-wave RMS of voltage is higher than set value and sustain time is 10ms-1min, judged as swell.
Sags: When half-wave RMS of voltage is lower than set value and sustain time is 10ms-1min, judged as sags.
DIP: half-wave RMS of voltage is higher than set value and sustain time is 10ms-1min, judged as DIP
Display mode Swell, sags, DIP wave sustain time, extent and so on.
Measurement accuracy 0.10%
Size 263mmx168mmx65mm
Weight 2KG
Power supply
Voltage input 110V-240V
Adapter output 15V, 3A
Battery Rechargeable nickel metal hydride, 4500mAh
Battery working time 4h
Battery recharging time 5h (environment temperature 25°C)
Power saving facility LCD backlight brightness is adjustable, standby time is adjustable
Size 112.8x84.6mm
Color 260000 color
Resolutions 640x480
Brightness Max 350cd/m2 (Typ), brightness is adjustable
Contrast 500:1 (Typ)
Visual angle 70/70/50/70 (Typ.)(CR≥10) (left/right/up/down)
Type TF card (inbuilt)
Size 8G
Measurement method IEC 61000-4-30
Measurement performance IEC 61000-4-30 A LVL
Flickering IEC 61000-4-15
Harmonic IEC 61000-4-7
Standard GB 4793.1-2007/IEC 61010-1:2001: "measurement, control and laboratory electrical equipment safety requirements", first part: general requirements.
Security level: CAT III 1000V/CAT IV 600V.
MAX voltage of phase angle input CAT III 1000V/CAT IV 600V
Environmental conditions
Working environment 0°C to +45°C, humidity below 90rh%
Storing environment -20°C to +50°C, humidity below 95rh% (non-condensing)

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